About The Event

This is eleventh we are hosting this seminar and we are proud to inform you that this seminar is an annual event in our calendar and will be held every year since 2014. We are inviting international recognized speakers from several countries to share their latest discoveries to all of us in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Science Education fields. Well known researchers in science and science education will share their experiences and knowledge so we can have up to date the information. This is one of the goals of this seminar. As science researcher we realize the importance of information exchange among us. The new information enlighten our mind and give us ideas on what to do next in our research and how to do it. This new information often become the basic for our next project in particular, and become the upcoming year research trends in general. Information exchange also keeps us updated, allow us to give and receive uggestions and critics which will lead us to better results. Thus, we need a forum where we can share and exchange information. Seminar, conference and other scientific gathering are media for us to do so. We would like to thanks to all the researchers who responded to our call for papers and participant of this seminar. Let us share information about our latest discoveries in science and science education and set the trends for the upcoming year. Let us collaborate and create new opportunities for a better and more holistic research. Finally, we convey our thanks to the Rector of Universitas Negeri Medan, Dr. Syamsul Gultom, S.KM, M.Kes and all the vice rector for the support and attention to this seminar and also to all of the committee members for their work in ensuring the run of this seminar. Once again, welcome to the 11th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education 2024.

Implementing of Applied Science Research as Outcome Based Education Result for Supporting of Industrial Innovation

The topics in AISTSSE 2024 included to the following topics:

1. Mathematics Science
2. Mathematics Education
3.Physics Science
4.Physics Education
5.Biology Science
6.Biology Education
7.Chemistry Science
8.Chemistry Education
9.Science Technology
10.Science Education
11.Computer Sciences

Keynote Speakers

speaker 01

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd

Senate Chairman of Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

speaker 02

Prof. Masaru Watanabe

Chemical Engineering Department Tohoku University, Japan


speaker 03

Prof. Peter Charles Taylor

Transformative Education Of Murdoch University, Australia

speaker 04

Dr. Saibah Siregar

UNISEL Virtual School Universiti Selangor, Malaysia

speaker 05

Prof. Yashwant Pathak

Biotechnology-Taneja College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA

Organizing Committee